Cédric Beaume
Applied Mathematician
You are in Publications
Convectons in unbalanced natural doubly diffusive convection,
J. Tumelty, C. Beaume & A. Rucklidge, submitted (2024) -
Hidden fluid dynamics of dry salt lakes,
C. Beaume, L. Goehring & J. Lasser, Physics Today 4, 62–63 (2024)
Selected for the cover of the April 2024 issue of Physics Today. -
Towards convectons in the supercritical regime: Homoclinic snaking in natural doubly diffusive convection,
J. Tumelty, C. Beaume & A. Rucklidge, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. 22, 1710–1742 (2023) -
Salt polygons and porous media convection,
J. Lasser, J. Nield, M. Ernst, V. Karius, G. Wiggs, M. Threadgold, C. Beaume, & L. Goehring, Phys. Rev. X 13, 011025 (2023)
Featured in Physics (pdf here), as a University of Leeds news (here and there), on the Independent in Pour la Science, in Physik Journal and in der Standard. -
Training a neural networks to predict dynamics it has never seen,
A. Pershin, C. Beaume, K. Li & S. Tobias, Phys. Rev. E 107, 014304 (2023) -
Optimizing the control of transition to turbulence using a Bayesian method,
A. Pershin, C. Beaume, T. Eaves & S. Tobias, J. Fluid Mech. 941, A25 (2022) -
Near-onset dynamics in natural doubly diffusive convection,
C. Beaume, A. Rucklidge & J. Tumelty, J. Fluid Mech. 934 A42 (2022) -
Transition to doubly diffusive chaos,
C. Beaume, Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 103903 (2020) -
A probabilistic protocol for the assessment of transition and control,
A. Pershin, C. Beaume & S. Tobias, J. Fluid Mech. 895, A16 (2020) -
Dynamics of spatially localized states in transitional plane Couette flow,
A. Pershin, C. Beaume & S. Tobias, J. Fluid Mech. 867, 414–437 (2019) -
Three-dimensional doubly diffusive convectons: instability and transition to complex dynamics,
C. Beaume, A. Bergeon & E. Knobloch, J. Fluid Mech. 840, 74–105 (2018) -
Adaptive Stokes preconditioning for steady incompressible flows,
C. Beaume, Commun. Comput. Phys. 22, 494–516 (2017) -
Emergence of stochastic dynamics in plane Couette flow,
R. Gvalani & C. Beaume, submitted (2016) -
Modulated patterns in a reduced model of a transitional shear flow,
C. Beaume, E. Knobloch, G. P. Chini & K. Julien, Phys. Scr. 91, 024003 (2016)
Published in Focus issue on Turbulent Mixing and Beyond by S. Abarzhi, S. Gauthier & J. Niemila -
Time-periodic forcing of spatially localized structures,
P. Gandhi, C. Beaume & E. Knobloch, Springer Proc. Phys. 173, 303–316 (2016) -
Dynamics of phase slips in systems with time-periodic modulation,
P. Gandhi, E. Knobloch & C. Beaume, Phys. Rev. E 92, 062914 (2015) -
A new resonance mechanism in the Swift–Hohenberg equation with time-periodic forcing,
P. Gandhi, C. Beaume & E. Knobloch, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sys. 14, 860–892 (2015)
Selected for a Media Gallery in Dynamical Systems Magazine -
Reduced description of exact coherent states in parallel shear flows,
C. Beaume, G. P. Chini, K. Julien & E. Knobloch, Phys. Rev. E 91, 043010 (2015) -
Exact coherent structures in an asymptotically reduced description of parallel shear flow,
C. Beaume, E. Knobloch, G. P. Chini & K. Julien, Fluid Dyn. Res. 47, 015504 (2015) -
Localized states in periodically forced systems,
P. Gandhi, E. Knobloch & C. Beaume, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 034102 (2015) -
Spatial localization in heterogeneous systems,
H.-C. Kao, C. Beaume & E. Knobloch, Phys. Rev. E 89, 012903 (2014) -
Localized rotating convection with no-slip boundary conditions,
C. Beaume, H.-C. Kao, E. Knobloch & A. Bergeon, Phys. Fluids 25, 124105 (2013) -
Nonsnaking doubly diffusive convectons and the twist instability,
C. Beaume, E. Knobloch & A. Bergeon, Phys. Fluids 25, 114102 (2013) -
Convectons and secondary snaking in three-dimensional natural doubly diffusive convection,
C. Beaume, A. Bergeon & E. Knobloch, Phys. Fluids 25, 024105 (2013)
Selected as a Research Highlight by the editor -
Convectons in a Rotating Fluid Layer (Supplementary material),
C. Beaume, A. Bergeon, H-C. Kao & E. Knobloch, J. Fluid Mech. 717, 417–448 (2013) -
A reduced model for exact coherent states in high Reynolds number shear flows,
C. Beaume, Proceedings of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Program, Woods Hole, 389–412 (2012) -
Homoclinic snaking of localized states in doubly diffusive convection,
C. Beaume, A. Bergeon & E. Knobloch, Phys. Fluids 23, 094102 (2011) -
Electrolyte Stability in a Nanochannel with Charge Regulation,
C. Beaume, F. Plouraboué, A. Bergeon & E. Knobloch, Langmuir, 27 (17), 11187–11198 (2011) -
États spatialement localisés dans la convection de double diffusion,
C. Beaume, A. Bergeon & E. Knobloch, Proceedings of the Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2296–2301 (2011)
Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Edinburgh (UK, 2024),
The dry salt lake instability -
Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Anti-Diffusive Phenomena, Cambridge (UK, 2024),
Invited talk: Pattern formation on dry salt lakes – full video -
Dynamics Days Europe, Naples (Italy, 2023),
Pattern formation on dry salt lakes -
International Couette–Taylor Workshop, Barcelona (Spain, 2023),
On assessing the control of transition to turbulence: the example of plane Couette flow -
UK Fluids Conference, Sheffield (UK, 2022),
A framework to quantify the robustness of flows subject to finite-amplitude instabilities -
International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, online (2021),
Minisyposium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern Formation, L. Tuckerman and J.-L. Thiffeault
A probabilistic protocol to assess the control of finite-amplitude instabilities: application to transitional flows
Video abstract, video talk -
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, online (2021),
Poster: Assessing the control of finite-amplitude instabilities via a probabilistic protocol: Application to transitional flows -
Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Limerick (Ireland, 2019),
Convectons and chaos in doubly diffusive convection -
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (Utah, USA, 2019),
Minisymposium on Nonlinear Waves and Patterns, J. Yang and J. Rademacher
Convectons and chaos in doubly diffusive convection -
Dynamics Days Europe, Loughborough (UK, 2018),
Three-dimensional doubly diffusive convection: Instability and transition to complex dynamics -
Pattern Formation in Fluids and Soft Matter, Leeds (UK, 2018),
Patterns in doubly diffusive convection
What are crisis bifurcations? Where can we observe them? -
British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Surrey (UK, 2017),
Minisymposium on Spatial localization in fluids, C. Beaume,
From convectons to complexity in doubly diffusive convection -
Recurrence, Self-Organization, and the Dynamics of Turbulence, Santa Barbara (California, USA, 2017),
Invited talk: Transitional shear flows: computing exact coherent states in two dimensions – full video -
Dynamics Days Europe, Corfu (Greece, 2016),
Asymptotic reduction of exact solutions in shear flows -
Dynamics Days Europe, Exeter (UK, 2015),
Minisymposium on Pattern formation, D. Wetzel,
Spatial localization in three-dimensional doubly diffusive convection -
European Turbulence Conference, Delft (Netherlands, 2015),
Reduced modeling of transitional exact coherent states in shear flows -
Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Paris (France, 2015),
Lower and upper branch states in reduced parallel shear flows -
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (Utah, USA, 2015),
Reduced modeling of exact coherent states in shear flow -
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Cambridge (UK, 2014),
Minisymposium on Spatial localization: recent progress in theory and applications, C. Beaume,
Localized convection in a rotating fluid layer -
Turbulent Mixing and Beyond Workshop, Trieste (Italy, 2014),
Reduced modeling for exact coherent structures in parallel shear flows -
Dynamics Days US, Atlanta (Georgia, USA, 2014),
Invited talk: Localized convection in a rotating system
Featured in the January 2014 issue of Dynamical Systems Magazine -
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA, 2013),
Localized convection in a rotating system -
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird (Utah, USA, 2013),
Multiple snaking scenarios in three-dimensional doubly diffusive convection -
Dynamics Days US, Denver (Colorado, USA, 2013),
Invited talk: Localization phenomena in three-dimensional doubly diffusive convection -
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego (California, USA, 2012),
Localized structures in two-dimensional rotating convection -
Dynamics Days Europe, Göteborg (Sweden, 2012),
Minisymposium on Localised multi-dimensional states, D. Lloyd & R. Richter,
Slanted snaking in rotating convection -
Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore (Maryland, USA, 2011),
Spatially localized patterns in 2D and 3D doubly diffusive convection -
Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon (France, 2011),
Etats spatialement localisés dans la convection de double diffusion -
Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Barcelona (Spain, 2011),
Minisymposium on Localised states in fluids, I. Mercader,
Numerical continuation of spatially localized patterns in doubly diffusive convection
I organized Perspectives in Nonlinear Sciences, an international conference to celebrate Prof. Edgar Knobloch's 65th birthday.
I organized the Leeds Applied Mathematics Seminars from 2016 until 2023.
I organized the Berkeley Fluids Seminar series from Fall 2013 until Spring 2014.
Etats spatialement localisés dans les systèmes fluides : Application à la double diffusion,
C. Beaume, PhD in Fluid Dynamics (Université de Toulouse, France, 2012) -
Analyse de stabilité d'un électrolyte confiné,
C. Beaume, MSc in Fluid Dynamics (Université de Toulouse, France, 2009)